Nov 30, 2013 | Content, Past Stories, Tutorials
This has been a rather popular request ever since SteamPipe broke most map packers. Lucky for us, VIDE is still going strong. So today I’ll be going over how to pack a level post SteamPipe using VIDE. Head over and grab the latest copy of VIDE from...
Nov 28, 2013 | Content, Past Stories, Tutorials
The following special targetnames can be used to dynamically select an entity. Note:Not all entity parameters can evaluate these targetnames. Note:When used in an output’s parameter override field, targetnames are evaluated by the entity that receives the...
Oct 9, 2013 | Content, Past Stories, Tutorials
Hammer Tutorial V2 Series #11 “Adding Doors to your level” Learn how to add doors to your...
Oct 9, 2013 | Content, Past Stories, This Site
Adding Water to your level, quick and easy. Water Limitations/Requirments Expensive Water: There may be only one water level height in a PVS if the water is expensive. “Expensive” and “cheap” water may not be used simultaneously in the same...
Dec 18, 2012 | Content, Tutorials
If you’re wondering what this is, it’s a introduction to mapping in Portal 2. After the PTI came out for Portal 2, we’ve seen thousands of amazing levels created by the community. But the PTI is limited in what it can do, so lets spread some...
Sep 23, 2012 | Content, News, Past Stories
So I’ve started a new project… If you keep tabs on my closely, then you might know that I recently went to San Francisco for a possible mapping gig. Well, I got that gig. I’ll be spending the next few months working on this amazing, creative project...