Aug 30, 2014 | Past Stories, Tutorials
Audacity: Waveosaur: TopHATTwaffle’s Written Sound Script Tutorial: Creating Your Own Sound Scripts! VDC Ambient_Generic: VDC...
Aug 29, 2014 | Past Stories, TroubleShooting
You’re in a sewage treatment plant. Who is that over there? Someone trying to shoot your face off? Yup, that’s exactly what’s going on. In this 1v1 map set underground you’ll have to wade through water and sewage to claim victory in this 1v1...
Aug 29, 2014 | Content, Past Stories
Take to the skies in am_skybound. You’ll have to hold your breath whilst your test your skill in this 1v1 arena map! Download the level on the Steam...
Aug 29, 2014 | Content, Past Stories
am_trainyard is a level created for Splewis’s 1v1 arena mod. The map features a beautiful trainyard that you will test your skills against a single opponent. Download the level on the Steam...
Jun 18, 2014 | Content, Past Stories
Facade was a level made with competitive players in mind. Although it does not conform to the standard 3 lane map layout, it still has plenty to offer. The focus of this level is on the indoor bombsites, and locking down the rotation paths. Open it up for yourself and...