Feb 26, 2016 | Content, Past Stories, Tutorials
8.55.0109.1800 Version 16919 Downloads 33.98 MB File Size December 1, 2017 Last Updated MD5: 6eb790ff2ebac96eda5014c07585553c MD5: 00e4e2c657b7d501887312af7ee87bc1 FileActionPhotoshop Plugins x86 8.0109.1800.exeDownload Photoshop Plugins x64...
Jul 9, 2015 | Past Stories, Tutorials
Texture Alignment on VDC:...
May 6, 2015 | Past Stories, Tutorials
Learn how to use infodecal and info_overlay entities! infodecal VDC: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Infodecal info_overlay...
Apr 15, 2015 | Past Stories, Tutorials
Custom Content Without Contamination While creating a level for almost any game, you are most likely going to use some custom content. The issue is that for Hammer and the game to read this content it must be placed inside of the game’s folder. This can lead to...
Oct 19, 2014 | Content, News, Past Stories
Written by Maxwell Giddens Co-Creator along side Douglas “TopHATTwaffle” Hoogland of de_facade. When you look at the finished product of most things, it’s hard to imagine the many individual parts that made them what they are. Often many of the details...