Dec 1, 2017 | Modeling, Past Stories, Tutorials
Welcome to low level introduction to 3dsmax (2017)! So much to learn in this software that I hope to share with...
Nov 29, 2017 | Past Stories, Tutorials
Today we are going to find out if it will actually blend… together. Learn about $blendmodulatetexture! After recording I was informed that there is AweseomeBump V5.0. The process is basically the same to get a height from a normal inside it. UI has changed some...
Nov 28, 2017 | Level Design Boot Camp, Past Stories, Tutorials
Counter-Strike Global Offensive Level Design Boot Camp is made to get you started learning how to create your own CSGO levels as quickly and efficiently as possible. Sit back and enjoy the show! These videos were created for ECS league and were aired on their...
Nov 28, 2017 | Level Design Boot Camp, Past Stories, Tutorials
Counter-Strike Global Offensive Level Design Boot Camp is made to get you started learning how to create your own CSGO levels as quickly and efficiently as possible. Sit back and enjoy the show! These videos were created for ECS league and were aired on their...
Nov 28, 2017 | Level Design Boot Camp, Past Stories, Tutorials
Counter-Strike Global Offensive Level Design Boot Camp is made to get you started learning how to create your own CSGO levels as quickly and efficiently as possible. Sit back and enjoy the show! These videos were created for ECS league and were aired on their...