Dec 20, 2013 | Content, Past Stories, Tutorials
So you’ve finished your level, now what? Obviously you want to get it out there in the wild. But just uploading it is not enough. You need a write up a brief description of the level, and what it’s about. Most levels are made with a small back story. For...
Dec 19, 2013 | Content, Past Stories, Tutorials
Learn how to create custom textures for your level! VTFEdit Download: VTFedit VIDE Download: VIDE – Valve Integrated Development Environment Different Material $SurfaceProp List of Shaders:...
Nov 30, 2013 | Content, Past Stories, Tutorials
This has been a rather popular request ever since SteamPipe broke most map packers. Lucky for us, VIDE is still going strong. So today I’ll be going over how to pack a level post SteamPipe using VIDE. Head over and grab the latest copy of VIDE from...
Nov 28, 2013 | Content, Past Stories, Tutorials
The following special targetnames can be used to dynamically select an entity. Note:Not all entity parameters can evaluate these targetnames. Note:When used in an output’s parameter override field, targetnames are evaluated by the entity that receives the...
Nov 20, 2013 | Past Stories
This is my speed mapping video for a challenge that we have on httpvh:// Enjoy!