Feb 26, 2014 | Past Stories
Skycastle was create for Gamebanana’s high altitude mapping contest. It was constructed over a month or so, and totaled about 60 hours of build time. You can view the creation of this level in the video above. This map uses the Arms Race gamemode, or death...
Jan 26, 2014 | Past Stories
wall worm model tools the best thing to happen for source engine modeling... ever EDIT: Someone built a new build of Propper for SDK 2013. You can find it here. https://github.com/tuxxi/propper-2013/releases/ The below tutorial still works fine if you want to go that...
Jan 6, 2014 | Past Stories, Tutorials
Learn how to add fog to your main level, and 3D Skybox!! Horizon Texture Downloads (For games other than CSGO): Urban Sky Horizon Textures VDC Fog: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Fog Env_Fog_Controller:...
Jan 6, 2014 | Past Stories, Tutorials
In this tutorial we will learn how to create a 3D skybox for our...
Dec 31, 2013 | Past Stories, Tutorials
Env Map Information: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/$envmap Env_Cubemap Information: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Cubemap Cubemap Weapon Information:...